Established in 1908
Women can broaden their knowledge and abilities, improve their homes and communities, advocate for causes, be part of an international community and have opportunities to grow and be involved.
The Women's Institute is women involved in community and country. Their main focus is education and community support through speakers, ROSE programs, maintenance of Community Centre kitchen and updating of Tweedsmuir history. They run the Community Centre kitchen, support the Children's Hospital and Anova, advocate for our community about high speed rail & other causes, as well as support Lyme Disease research and our community.
The Thorndale Women's Institute sends a representative to regular I Love Thorndale meetings and is interested in helping bring new ideas & members to their organization in order to sustain it in Thorndale.
Open to all women. Membership dues are $40. Come to any meeting the first Thursday of the month 7pm at the Community Centre
The President of the Women's Institute in Thorndale is Barb Watson. If you would like to contact her, please email: [email protected]
The Women's Institute has been involved in the Winter Carnival for four years providing free drinks & treats.