At the inaugural meeting of I Love Thorndale, we had a room full of people who are involved in our community. We posed the question “Why Do You Love Thorndale” and let them sit for a few minutes to think about the question. We were blown away by the responses. Many responses were repeated and echoed throughout the group, but no one sat quiet. It seems that what makes Thorndale so great, is the people in our community! Not to toot our own horns, but we all seemed to agree we are pretty awesome!
Thorndale is built on strong community driven groups of people. Our civic groups include the Thorndale Lions Club, Thorndale Optimist Club, Thorndale and Area Horticultural Society, Thorndale Agricultural Society, Thorndale Masonic Lodge, and the Thorndale Women’s Institute just to name a few! Each of our groups provide services to our community to keep Thorndale going… and growing.